"...her video has led to threats from conservative Muslims who are angry that Deeyah (herself a Muslim) appears in sexy clothes and dances with a black man." This, from her website. "The resulting press coverage since the release of the video has been overwhelming to the point of overshadowing Deeyah’s music. For her safety, and in hopes of shifting the focus off of the “news story” and back on the music, Brainwash Records has brought Deeyah and her album to the US."
"I can't walk around without bodyguards. I would be lying if I said abuse from religious fanatics did not upset or scare me," said the 28-year-old beauty, dubbed the 'Muslim Madonna.'Now based in the U.S., Deeyah is scheduled to return to London next month to promote a new video - but may cancel the trip due to this threat. Apparently, shedding her Burqa to reveal a sexy bikini in the video just didn't fly with these extremist Muslim assholes. So, as with anything that pisses them off these days, it's got to be a death sentence for the offender. Imagine that.
"The more this UAE port management story is being reported, examined, and discussed in the MSM, as well as on opinion pages and in the blogosphere, the more I find myself believing that the issue has bas (sic) been overhyped unecessarily. Even with saying that, I know that the concerns put forth by many of our fellow conservatives are genuine and heartfelt...What persuaded me to change my mind? A number of pieces I printed out today to look over later this evening when I had some time to read and digest them..."And my friend Amy Proctor has been steadfast in her cautious support:
"The UAE has been accused of "ties" to two 9/11 terrorists, but the connotation is not necessarily valid. The U.S., after all, is where the 9/11 terrorists learned to fly, lived in hotels and used the US as an interface to pull off their plots. It could be argued that the US has ties to the 9/11 terrorists as well..."I have discovered over the last few days that this is NOT about Arabs "taking over" these ports. DP World of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made a successful bid to buy the management rights of port operations from another foreign company - NOT ownership of any ports, nor the actual security. In fact, this company is considered by some to be the most efficient in the world at this sort of work, and they have franchises like this all over the world (including China and Australia).
"The Supreme Court's decision to hear this case is a dangerous act of hostility aimed squarely at women's health and safety," whined Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, an Abortion-Rights group. "Today's actions by the court are a shining example of why elections matter. When judges far outside the mainstream are nominated and confirmed to public office by anti-choice politicians, women's health and safety are put in danger."
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the administration had approved the sale after a classified review, saying the agreement would include safeguards to protect national security. "You can be assured that before a deal is approved we put safeguards in place, assurances in place, that make everybody comfortable that we are where we need to be from a national security viewpoint."Apparently, that explanation doesn't cut it with lawmakers. The response from Democrats is predictable and therefore hardly news, but Republicans are starting to make themselves heard on this issue as well - and for good reason.
Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, voiced his concerns for approving an Arab company's takeover of operations at these six major American ports on Sunday, calling the terms "insufficient to guard against terrorist infiltration." He stated further, "I'm aware of the conditions and they relate entirely to how the company carries out its procedures, but it doesn't go to who they hire, or how they hire people...They are better than nothing, but to me they don't address the underlying conditions, which is how are they going to guard against things like infiltration by al-Qaida or someone else, how are they going to guard against corruption?"
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a usually staunch supporter of the President, told Fox News Sunday that it was a mistake for them to approve the sale and called on Congress to investigate it. "It's unbelievably tone deaf politically at this point in our history, four years after 9-11, to entertain the idea of turning port security over to a company based in the UAE who avows to destroy Israel...I don't think now is the time to outsource major port security to a foreign-based company."Like the Terrorist Surveillance Program, there is probably a great deal the Public, and the whole of Congress, simply cannot know. But unlike the secret wiretapping, this will be very hard to sell to Post-9-11 Americans.
Chertoff stated on CNN's Late Edition, "Congress is welcome to look at this and can get classified briefings. We have to balance the paramount urgency of security against the fact that we still want to have a robust global trading system."I don't know, Michael - given the UAE's dubious recent history, the outrageously lax border security plaguing this nation, and the fact that only 2% of shipping containers are inspected at these ports, this time you're going to have to do a LOT better than that. If we need to engage the Arabs in trade, why not stick to buying safe stuff like hookah pipes, outrageously priced spices and, er, I don't know... rubber dog-shit? ANYTHING but this!!!
ABC News obtained the tapes from Bill Tierney, a former member of a United Nations inspection team who translated them for the FBI. "Because of my experience being in the inspections and being in the military, I knew the significance of these tapes when I heard them," says Tierney. U.S. officials have confirmed the tapes are authentic, and that they are among hundreds of hours of tapes Saddam recorded in his palace office.Now, remember - we are talking ABC NEWS here. Not the liberal whipping boy Fox News, nor a Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity enterprise. A-B-C ! Now, go back and read my article on Saddam's General who confirms that the WMDs were shipped to Syria.
One of the most dramatic moments in the 12 hours of recordings comes when Saddam predicts -- during a meeting in the mid-1990s -- a terrorist attack on the United States. "Terrorism is coming. I told the Americans a long time before Aug. 2 and told the British as well & that in the future there will be terrorism with weapons of mass destruction." Saddam goes on to say such attacks would be difficult to stop. "In the future, what would prevent a booby-trapped car causing a nuclear explosion in Washington or a germ or a chemical one?" But he adds that Iraq would never do such a thing. "This is coming, this story is coming but not from Iraq."
Also at the meeting was Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz, who said Iraq was being wrongly accused of terrorism. "Sir, the biological is very easy to make. It's so simple that any biologist can make a bottle of germs and drop it into a water tower and kill 100,000. This is not done by a state. No need to accuse a state. An individual can do it."
The tapes also reveal Iraq's persistent efforts to hide information about weapons of mass destruction programs from U.N. inspectors well into the 1990s. In one pivotal tape-recorded meeting, which occurred in late April or May of 1995, Saddam and his senior aides discuss the fact that U.N. inspectors had uncovered evidence of Iraq's biological weapons program -- a program whose existence Iraq had previously denied.
At one point Hussein Kamel, Saddam's son-in-law and the man who was in charge of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction efforts can be heard on the tapes, speaking openly about hiding information from the U.N.
"We did not reveal all that we have," Kamel says in the meeting. "Not the type of weapons, not the volume of the materials we imported, not the volume of the production we told them about, not the volume of use. None of this was correct."
Shortly after this meeting, in August 1995, Hussein Kamel defected to Jordan, and Iraq was forced to admit that it had concealed its biological weapons program. (Kamel returned to Iraq in February 1996 and was killed in a firefight with Iraqi security forces.)
A spokeswoman for John Negroponte, director of national intelligence, said information contained in the transcriptions of the tapes was already known to intelligence officials.
"Intelligence community analysts from the CIA, and the DIA reviewed the translations and found that, while fascinating, from a historical perspective the tapes do not reveal anything that changes their post-war analysis of Iraq's weapons programs nor do they change the findings contained in the comprehensive Iraq Survey group report," she said in a statement.
"The tapes mostly date from early to mid-1990s and cover such topics as relations with the United Nations, efforts to rebuild industries from Gulf war damage and the pre 9/11 situation in Afghanistan."
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, says the tapes are authentic and show that "Saddam had a fixation on weapons of mass destruction and he had a fixation on hiding what he was doing from the U.N. inspectors." Hoeckstra says there are more than 35,000 boxes of such tapes and documents that the U.S. government has not analyzed nor made public that should also be translated and studied on an urgent basis.
Charles Duelfer, who led the official U.S. search for weapons of mass destruction after the war, says the tapes show extensive deception but don't prove that weapons were still hidden in Iraq at the time of the U.S.-led war in 2003. "What they do is support the conclusion in the report, which we made in the last couple of years, that the regime had the intention of building and rebuilding weapons of mass destruction, when circumstances permitted."
Tierney, who provided ABC News with the tapes, plans to make the 12 hours of recordings public at a nongovernmental meeting -- called Intelligence Summit 2006 -- this weekend in Arlington, Va. John Loftus, a former federal prosecutor, runs the meeting. "We think this is a tape that is unclassified and available to the public," says Loftus "[I] just want to have it translated and let the tape speak for itself."
"They (Fox News) are the house organ for the Republican Party," chirped CNN political analyst and former Clintonite Paul Begala. "It's like Khrushchev giving an interview to Pravda." (waaaaahhhhh!)So Cheney didn't have one of those all-important PRESS CONFERENCES. How dare he not include the fourth pillar of government!? The great thing about this story has nothing to do with Harry Reid's psychotic salivating rattle about "This secretive administration yada yada yada."
Jay Leno:
"I guess the guy is going to be Okay. When the ambulance got there, out of force of habit they put Cheney on the stretcher. When people found out he shot a lawyer, his popularity is now at 92 percent.""Although it is beautiful here in California, the weather back East has been atrocious. There was so much snow in Washington, D.C., Dick Cheney accidentally shot a fat guy thinking it was a polar bear. "
David Letterman:
"Good news, ladies and gentlemen, we have finally located weapons of mass destruction, and it’s Dick Cheney!”
"But here is the sad part — before the trip Donald Rumsfeld had denied the guy's request for body armor."
"We can't get bin Laden, but we nailed a 78-year-old attorney."
Craig Ferguson:Maybe it's the hidden Liberal-Libertarian in me (according to certain dubious online quizzes!), but you just gotta' laugh at this one. Dick more-or-less handled this like a, um, DICK. But given that this was, at the end of the day, a HUNTING ACCIDENT, the carrion-stalking American Media showed its own ass to the world as well.
"He is a lawyer and he got shot in the face. But he's a lawyer, he can use his other face. He'll be all right."
"You can understand why this lawyer fellow let his guard down because if you're out hunting with a politician, you think, "If I'm going to get it, it's going to be in the back.' "
"The big scandal apparently is that they didn't release the news for 18 hours. I don't think that's a scandal at all. I'm quite pleased about that. Finally, there's a secret the vice president's office can keep."
As the Islamic Hero Saddam was brutally ushered into the courtroom, wearing a traditioal Arab robe and clutching his beloved Qur'an, he defiantly proclaimed "Down with agents, down with Bush, long live the Ummah (Motherland)!"
Then a bit later, unable to contain his indignation at this travesty of justice, Holy-Man Saddam cried out "This is not a court, this is a game. I was forced into the courtroom. Why have you brought us with force? Your authority gives you the right to try a defendant in absentia. Are you trying to overcome your own smallness?"
The Evil Dog Judge Abdel-Rahman bitterly replied "The law states that if the defendants refuse to appear before the court, he will be forced to appear before court, we are implementing the law."
Saddam The Saintly did not stand for the pesky accusations of torture, murder and genocide! Instead, he righteously shouted in manly defiance "Saddam the criminal? Not criminal, you agent. You sissy! You would not have said that before, sissies like you!"
Obviously faking his annoyance, the Camel-Piss-Rat-Judge tried to cut off Gentle and Misunderstood Saddam. "I've given you enough chances," he said. Allah's Messenger Saddam shouted back: "God damn your moustaches" Slamming the Kurdish Dung-Heap Judge's very manhood!As the Great Protector of Victimized Dictators Ramsey Clark left work for the day, he walked out into the Iraqi sunset (with his body-guards) and, glancing back at the courthouse, couldn't help but chuckle to himself.
Hat Tip to Gun Toting Liberal
"We're hunting down the terrorists using every element of our national power. The terrorists are living under constant pressure, and this adds to our security…By striking the terrorists where they live, we are protecting the American homeland."
"We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there...but Coretta knew, and we know, that there are weapons of misdirection right down here," he bellowed, nodding toward the row of presidents. "For war, billions more, but no more for the poor!" The suddenly hip-hop-poetry-loving crowd cheered.((Glad to see he found a way to work Mrs. King's name in there somewhere.))
And if that wasn't bad enough, a smug Carter a bit later ~
"It was difficult for them then personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret government wiretaps." The crowd cheered - wiretapping, get it? ((Of course, Jimmy neglected to mention that it was under a Democratic Whitehouse that Attorney General Robert Kennedy was surveilling the King couple.))Of course, the liberal blogs are making much out of the President sitting through all of this behind the podium, squirming in his chair with an embarrassed smile, while Laura looked a bit peeved. WHAT? How exactly would we expect him to react?
Further on, obviously not satisfied with his idiocy, Carter said Hurricane Katrina showed that all are not yet equal in America. New Orleans Blacks intentionally left to die, right?
"We must tell Europeans, we can live without you. But you cannot live without us," said Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi, a leading imam in Qatar, in an obvious reference to Middle Eastern Oil Dependency. "We can buy from China, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia... We will not be humiliated."
Retired Navy and Cold War/Gulf War Veteran. Senior Analyst for a large defense contractor, Bachelor of Science, Father, moonlighting Graphic Designer (T-shirts etc) and Blogger.
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