Thank a Veteran for What You Have
It is again time for us to thank our Armed Forces for their brave and selfless service in the defense of this country and our ideals.We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~ George Orwell (1903 - 1950)
- It is the VETERAN, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.
- It is the VETERAN, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
- It is the VETERAN, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
- It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.
- It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
- It is the VETERAN, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote.
Happy Vets day to all who have served. Everyone else - please thank a G.I. for all that he and his comrades have done for you.
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