Monday, February 05, 2007
Sorry for the "Delay"
Folks, I would like to apologize for the delay in launching the new "Team America" blog. I have had some major personal distraction as of late (see my new profile and you might figure it out!) which has kept me from all of my leisure pursuits...including this one.
Rest assured that when the dust settles and the gratuitous drama subsides, I will diligently make the necessary changes and get this thing moving. I will send a personal email to all of the Associates to explain myself further, but everyone should keep the faith and continue to check back.
As Gandalf might say, this is the "Deep breath before the plunge."
Monday, January 01, 2007
Another Year of Righting America - with a Difference!
Now that the New Year is upon us, it is time to start many things anew. Gym attendance, smoking cessation, weight loss, yada yada yada. Okay, ya got me...I don't like gyms in January that are crowded with those New Year's Resolution folks (who will all be gone by mid February); not quite ready to ditch the butts (again!); and have worked (and drank!) very hard to develop this guppy-like physique!
But there are some things that we should take another look at. How we treat our family and friends, our ambitions and goals, and even our BLOGGING!
Yes, a small group of fellow bloggers will be joining me as Associates on this site. They are all familiar to me and share many of my own politics and values. Over the next few weeks, I will make the necessary changes to this blog and possibly consider one or two last minute applications. By the middle of this month, I will announce the new team and we will start our new journey together.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Seeking Contributing Bloggers for Righting America!
After weeks of taking some personal inventory, I have come to a few inescapable conclusions:
- Family has to come FIRST - and that means I don't always have as much free time as I would like to blog
- I can't just give this stuff up - especially in the world and political climate we now find ourselves, and
- "Righting America" is not just a blog, but an ideal that a few other like-minded folks should share!
SO here is the deal: Anyone who wishes to contribute to Righting America as part of a small team of bloggers, now is your chance! You don't have to agree with me on everything, but you absolutely MUST meet the following criteria:
- You MUST love America...even if you are not an American!
- You MUST strongly support our brave men and women in uniform!
- You MUST contribute at least ONE ARTICLE a month - and no more than ONE ARTICLE per day
- You MUST respect FREEDOM OF SPEECH, whilst not abusing it to personally attack visitors
- You MUST agree to this...I reserve the right to revoke a contributor's membership to this blog without notice
Now I would like to think that I have developed a reputation with a few readers for fairness and intellectual honesty. Even my detractors would generally agree with that statement, regardless of our differences. I would very much like to maintain that sort of profile - and will expect our contributors to do the same.
How to become a Contributor
Send me an e-Mail stating your case - to TimmerATcomcastDOTnet
If you have your own blog, please provide me with the URL so I can give it a quick gander. Cross publishing articles to your own blog and this one is just fine with me.
E-mails only please. I will be considering applications until after the Holidays, at which time "Righting America" will be opened for business once again!
Merry Christmas to all....Timmer
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Ambassador Bolton Needs to STAY in the UN

It is one thing to have a "change in direction" in Iraq - most would agree that some fresh tactics and a revamped strategy are in order. It is another thing entirely to replace our stolid Ambassador to the UN who, in such a short and trying time, has done a fantastic job. In times like these, one who can stand up to an impetuous nuclear-hungry dictator like Kim Jong Il; or a sulphur-sniffing banana-republic bully like Hugo Chavez.
In times like these - we need John Bolton.
As stated recently in the New York Post:
John Bolton has been too good an ambassador - at a time when America sorely needs an effective envoy at Turtle Bay - to be tossed on the scrap heap because of the Democrats' short-sightedness. - It was Bolton who recently organized the majority coalition that blocked Hugo Chavez's Venezuela from winning a seat on the Security Council.
- It was Bolton who worked with France to broker a cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah (flawed as it was).
- It was Bolton who took the lead in pressing for comprehensive reform of the U.N.'s rotting institutional infrastructure.
- It is Bolton who has refused to play the game of diplomatic double-talk, refusing to participate in the new - and already discredited - Human Rights Council, which he memorably called a case of "putting lipstick on a caterpillar and calling it a butterfly."
...Last week, Tehran called Tueday's elections a victory for Iran, Chavez called for Bush's execution, al Qaeda in Iraq said it wouldn't rest until it blew up the White House, and former Gitmo detainees moved to bring criminal charges in Germany against top Bush administration officials.
Much of this, of course, is little more than a postelection pile-on against a president seen as a powerless lame duck. But it may also represent a genuine belief that the Democrats, who campaigned against every aspect of Bush's foreign policy, will go soft in the War on Terror.
Like it or not, the United States needs a man who can unflinchingly assert American influence on this fallible body of (mostly) hostile nations.
But the emboldened majority, who has promised "no payback" seems to have anticipated an end to the honeymoon. The pile-on has begun, and for no good reason other than partisan revenge. Also from the Post: Democrats have an obligation to demonstrate conclusively to America's enemies that they don't have allies on Capitol Hill. By moving so swiftly to torpedo John Bolton, they've sent precisely the opposite signal.
Apparently, if the President is forced to do another recess appointment that will give us another year of Ambassador Bolton, it will have to be without salary. Claudia of The Rosset Report has suggested that WE AMERICANS put together a fund to pay his salary. Not a bad idea - and what a mandate that would be for Mr. Bolton (and a slap to some of these heel-nipping Democrats)!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Happy 231st Birthday, U.S. Marine Corps!
As a career Navy man, I would normally refer to my "Devil Dog" shipmates, now colleagues and friends, as "Jar-Head," "Leather-Neck," or any number of colorful terms of, er, endearment. But they were always held in my highest esteem (even if I didn't necessarily tell them that), and when it comes to discipline and esprit de corps, NO ONE has it over these most excellent American Patriots. As defenders of our way of life, there is no way we can thank them enough for what they have done and sacrificed for us over these 231 years.
"There is a special aura surrounding the word "Marine." It means something different than a soldier, a cut above, and more can be expected from this person. Pride and cockiness are the trademarks of Marines, the strongest brotherhood in the world. To serve in the Marine Corps is to serve in an organization that demands and delivers excellence beyond all others. Service in the Marines leaves a lasting impression upon the innermost being of everyone who is privileged enough to serve. "Once a Marine, Always a Marine." To dispute this is to invite a brawl." ~ A Former Marine
After having spoken to many Marines about why on Earth they would join the strictest of all military branches, the answer usually has something to do with the idea of Grit. They either want it, want to prove they have it, or already have it and no other uniformed service could satisfy it.
History of the USMC
The Corps got its first sense of identity from (in fact was largely modeled after) the British Royal Marines. The USMC emblem was also inspired by that of the Royal Marines - unlike other military branches, neither incorporates a shield signifying defense (suggesting singleminded offense, perhaps).
During the War of 1812 with England, the British burned every public building in Washington D.C. (including the White House). Every one, except for the U.S. Marine barracks which was spared out of respect.
See this great rundown of U.S. Marine History RIGHT HERE!
Reality Check: For those set against our War on Terror and are horrified at the price this war has exacted in Iraq; and especially for those who gleefully decried (and, it has to be said, reveled in) the landmark 2,000th military death after more than two years of fighting, here is something to think about: 2,321 U.S. Marines died in six hours during the Battle of Iwo Jima. I think it is safe to say that the overwhelming majority of these Brave Men and Women of the Marines believe in what they are doing, and now MORE THAN EVER, along with their brave Army, Air Force and Navy comrades, they need our support. Why not say a simple "Thanks!" whenever you see them? It costs nothing to say it, and to them it means everything
Happy Birthday, Devil Dogs! and Semper Fi!
Thank a Veteran for What You Have
It is again time for us to thank our Armed Forces for their brave and selfless service in the defense of this country and our ideals. We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~ George Orwell (1903 - 1950)
- It is the VETERAN, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.
- It is the VETERAN, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
- It is the VETERAN, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
- It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.
- It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
- It is the VETERAN, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote.
Happy Vets day to all who have served. Everyone else - please thank a G.I. for all that he and his comrades have done for you.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
America Has Spoken - Get Over It!
As you might have guessed from the title, this will not be a typical "Righting America" offering. And unlike many of my fellow Conservative/Republican bloggers, I will not waste time and energy making excuses for a gaggle of politicians who, as a party, got what they deserved. Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" was full of promise and gave Americans something to hope for. This promise, while kept by some, was broken by most. The "Grand Old Party" lost its focus and became drunk with its own power.
This is not to say that the Democrats are better. This election was not won by the rudderless and nagging Democratic party - it was lost by the GOP, plain and simple.
Let me recount an epiphany I had whilst driving to work this morning. As I listened to C-Span on my radio, I was completely taken aback by many of the Republican callers and their reactions to this election. Caller after caller bitterly vilified the victorious Democratic candidates - stating that they hoped the new Republican Minority would punish the new Democratic Majority by stalling evey single initiative, vote or bill put forward by them. Frankly, this pissed me off. It is, in my estimation, the very LAST thing we should do.
I am not making excuses for Democratic behavior over these past six years - far from it. The word "Filibuster" is now a recognizable word in the American lexicon precisely because of minority abuses. But the way I see it, that was THEN and this is NOW. It is time for our fractured country to move on.
Nancy Pelosi, whether being disingenuous or not (time will tell), said exactly the right things today. Don't faint - yeah, I said it! She called repeatedly for partisanship, swore up and down that she would pursue a good working relationship with the President and new Minority, and emphatically stated that impeachment of President Bush is not on the table. She even referred to him as "our President." Now, I may very well be calling for her head next week (or next month or next year), but for now she actually managed to impress me with that sentiment.
President Bush, for his part, also showed a great deal of class and leadership today. He called "Speaker-Elect Pelosi" to congratulate her and to invite her to lunch tomorrow. And then, he announced the resignation of SECDEF Donald Rumsfeld - a gesture not lost on the new congressional leadership.
There is an old saying, "Be careful what you wish for." This can well be applied to the new Democratic Majority in the House (and probably the Senate, after the final tally). Pelosi and Co have now taken shared ownership of the Iraq War and other major issues. They have made grand promises, and it will be a huge burden for them to prove their worthiness over the next two years. In the 2008 Elections, if they are not very careful and effective, it could be their undoing. Again.
Like all of us, I am many things. In my case I would list it this way: Citizen of the World, Family Man, American Patriot, Conservative Republican and Blogger....pretty much in that order. Of course, I left out other stuff like "Veteran" and "Great Guy" but you all knew that already!
My point in listing all of this? Simple: I would rather see us succeed - as a world and as a nation - than worry about which politicians got us there. If the Democrats and Republicans can jointly figure out a better way to fight the War on Terror, promote world peace, secure our borders, maintain our robust economy, protect civil rights, provide decent and affordable education and health care, reduce our oil dependency...hey, I'M THERE.
If they can find a way to bring our brave troops home - not sudden cut-and-run but VICTORIOUS - then I will sing their praises right here on this blog.
As depicted in the image above, I have crossed halfway over this bridge - if for no other reason, to see what the other side offers. Why not? Here is their chance with me and other realistic, like-minded people...and I honestly hope they don't blow it.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
It's Up To US Now
Well, the polls will open in about five hours. And regardless of how the candidates have done - with so many close races - it is now down to voter turnout.
I predict the following for the races I am most concerned with:
Maryland Senate: Michael Steele
Maryland Governor: Bob Ehrlich
House Majority: Democrat
Senate Majority: Republican
And believe me, I REALLY HOPE that I am wrong about the House! Good luck to everyone, and DO NOT FORGET to vote!
UPDATE - Tuesday Night 11:45 :
As I predicted, the House is lost...probably by a lot. But the Senate is VERY tight and impossible to call at this time. Allen of Virginia should (hopefully!) save it. But only just.
Not looking good for Ehrlich or Steele.
Fox News and others have already called those two for the Democrats, but they are close enough with less than half the votes counted that the 200,000 absentee ballots (approx 10% of the vote) might very well come into play. Keep those fingers crossed!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
So Long Saddam - It's YOUR TURN Now!
After a painful and prolonged series of trials (and error), justice prevailed this morning and Saddam Hussein will pay for his murderous tyranny of Iraq with his own life; fittingly, this monster will take his last breath dangling at the end of a rope.
As the "Butcher of Baghdad" raised his once-powerful and feared right-hand index finger (with which he had pointed out thousands to be slaughtered) to the sky in anger, the Bailiff easily pulled it down again (see image). As Saddam shouted his defiance in the name of Allah, the no-nonsense Judge Mohammed al-Uraibiy gave him no quarter.
"Make him stand" ordered The Judge; and Saddam was unceremoniously hustled to his feet like the pathetic and weak old man that he truly is. It was then that The Judge, in a clear and steady voice, announced to Saddam and the world that his fate had been decided - the Tyrant is to meet his well-earned doom, but only after he is given the opportunity for one appeal. Failing that, the lawfully elected Government of Iraq will have 30 days to carry out sentence.
As Saddam and his monstrous sons (Uday and Qusay) treated Iraq as their own private "Wild West," free to ravage the towns and countryside with their gang of "Outlaws" with all of the territory's Sheriffs, Marshals, Mayors, Mine-owners and Land barons in their pockets - it seems fitting that his sons met their end in an "O.K. Corral" gunfight and that he will get to play the opening scene in "Hang 'em High."
But Saddam Hussein ain't no Marshall Cooper - nor Clint Eastwood, for that matter. And this time there will be no one to save him.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
News Flash: The "smartest man in America" has stepped in it - yet again! Just when one starts to wonder if John Kerry has finally learned to mind his words, he is right on time - just like the world-famous time-pieces from that French-speaking, historically pacifistic alpine country in which young Kerry spent one of his formative years attending that exclusive elitist school (where he got reeeeeeeeeally educated).
Of course, I'm speaking of this monumentally offensive faux pas from our (self-styled Vietnam) hero during a campaign event in California: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
Yes, that is a direct quote and in context. Ya' just couldn't beat this one - even with an imaginary well-placed, intentionally spun "Rovian" misquote! And it's even better when you watch the video!
Ya' think he might be just a tad bit elitist? Can he honestly believe that our modern military is made up of folks who either washed out or didn't go to college? Does this moron ever look at things like statistics? Here is a little something special, Senator...just for YOU from our troops (click here) !!!
Understandably, the veritable excrement has impacted the propeller on this one...
*To see full article, go to:
Timmer's Dumbass of the Week
Trackback: He Meant What He Said by Michelle Malkin
Thursday, October 26, 2006
10 Reasons to Vote GOP (and 5 NOT to Vote Democrat)
While Democratic operatives, pundits, politicians and Liberal media are in a full blitz misleading into the upcoming elections, there are about 15 (thousand) things they don't want you to think about. In fact, they are doing their damndest to either change the subject (no homeland attacks since 9-11), repaint reality (the economy) or inflate the importance of backburner issues (stem cell research).
As they were in 2004, Democrats are trying very hard to make us believe that they are going to coast into easy victory - perhaps in the hopes that many GOP voters will just stay home. Apparently, they put all of their faith in faulty polls and are going to need some more schoolin'. Let us start the lesson by helping them to face some reality:
10 Good Reasons to VOTE GOP: Reason #1. No Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil!...since 9/11 the U.S. has not been attacked by terrorists. This is a direct result of such programs as the Terrrorist Surveillance Act, International Monitoring of Terrorist Funds, wide-ranging interrogation techniques (not torture) of key terrorists, and the Patriot Act - much of which has been bitterly opposed by many Democrats.
Reason #2. "It's the Economy, Stupid!"...and it is kicking butt. It is robust, vibrant, strong and growing. In the 36 months since the Bush tax cuts ended the recession that began under President Clinton, the economy has experienced astonishing growth. Over the first half of this year, our economy grew at a strong 4.1 percent annual rate, faster than any other major industrialized nation. This strong economic activity has generated historic revenue growth that has shrunk the deficit. A new commitment to spending restraint has also contributed to deficit reduction.
Reason #3. A Steady 4.6% Unemployment...which is microscopic for a major economy, and is verging on full employment. Recently, jobless claims fell to the lowest level in 10 weeks. Employment increased in 48 states over the past 12 months ending in August. Our economy has now added jobs for 37 straight months.
Reason #4. The Dow, Baby!...which is hitting record highs almost every day. Just a few short days ago, the Dow climbed above 12,000 for the first time in the history of the stock market, thus increasing the value of countless pension and 401(k) funds many Americans rely on for their retirement years...this, despite the unprecedented setbacks of Enron, 9-11 and Katrina.
Reason #5. Higher Wages....and they have risen dramatically. According to the LIBERAL Washington Post, demand for labor helped drive workers' average hourly wages, not including those of most managers, up to $16.84 last month -- a 4 percent increase from September 2005, the fastest wage growth in more than five years. Nominal wage growth has been 4.1 percent so far this year. This is better or comparable to its 1990s peaks. Over the first half of 2006, employee compensation per hour grew at a 6.3 percent annual rate adjusted for inflation. Real after-tax income has risen a whopping 15 percent since January 2001. Real after-tax income per person has risen by 9 percent since January 2001.
Reason #6. American Productivity...which is surging and has grown by a strong 2.5 percent over the past four quarters, well ahead of the average productivity growth in the last 30 years. Strong productivity growth helps lead to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product, higher real wages, and stronger corporate profits.
Reason #7. Gas Prices Have Plunged!...and according to the Associated Press, the price of gasoline has fallen to its lowest level in more than 10 months. The federal Energy Information Administration said Monday that U.S. motorists paid $2.21 a gallon on average for regular grade last week, a decrease of 1.8 cents from the previous week. Pump prices are now 40 cents lower than a year ago and have plummeted by more than 80 cents a gallon since the start of August. The previous 2006 low for gasoline was set in the first week of January, when pump prices averaged $2.238. In the week ending Dec. 5, 2005, prices averaged $2.19. Today, gasoline can be found for less than $2 a gallon in many parts of the country.
Reason #8. The Deflating Deficit...which has been cut in half three years ahead of the president's 2009 goal, with the 2006 fiscal year budget deficit down to $248 billion. The tax cuts have stimulated the economy and are working.
Reason #9. The Prescription Drug Program ROCKS!...and it is working. Despite dire predictions that most seniors would refrain from signing up to the new Medicare prescription benefits program, fully 75 percent of all those on Medicare have enrolled, and the overwhelming majority say they are happy with the program.
Reason #10. The SCOTUS!...Bush has kept his promise of naming conservative judges. He has named two conservative justices to the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John G. Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito - conservatives who are devoted to the Constitution as it is written and not as activist liberal judges think it should mean. The strong likelihood that one or more justices will soon retire from the Supreme Court makes it imperative for Republicans to hold the Senate and have a chance to name new conservative justices.
5 Good Reasons NOT to Vote Democrat:
Reason #1. A Weaker opposing the Patriot Act, terrorist surveillance missile defense and even interrogating the most dangerous terrorists captured on the battlefield, Democrats are in direct opposition to the vital tools we use to fight terrorism.
Reason #2. Cut and Run...The leader of House Democrats and the woman who would be speaker of the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and her croney Rep. Jack Murtha, would push very hard for immediate surrender and abandonment of a yet unstable Iraq.
Reason #3. Higher fact, Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., who would lead the House tax-writing committee if Democrats win in November, said he "cannot think of one" tax cut he would renew. That agenda would result in $2.4 trillion tax increase over the next 10 years. If Democrats take majorities in BOTH the House and Senate, the average family of four can expect to pay an average of $2,000 more in taxes.
Reason #4. Two Years of Political Infighting...Democratic leaders have made it clear that they see investigations and impeachment of President Bush as viable options should they take control of Congress. They are therefore promising to tie the hands of the president and his administration in the middle of a war and during intensely dangerous situations in Iran and N. Korea.
Reason #5. No Plan...Democrats offer no real plans for the way they want to improve America or make us safer. Instead, issues like the Mark Foley scandal, the Valerie Plame non-incident and Stem-cell Research have been grossly exaggerated and misrepresented in order to smokescreen their own lack of ideas.
These are trying times, and it seems logical to stay at home or not to vote if one is dissatisfied by our current government for one reason or another. But it is important that we all consider the consequences for doing so. On 9-11-2001 we opened our eyes to the world in which we live - we only need the courage and faith to keep them that way. Even down to our one little vote.
Thanks to NewsMax for the statistics and inspiration!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
CNN Smacked Down for Airing Jihadi Snuff Flick of G.I.s

Do you like the Jihadi flag symbol displayed on the upper-left of this screen-shot? This is the flag shown on a terrorist film clip that was actually played by CNN. You know, the Premier American News Source? The one that refuses to display the AMERICAN Flag on its broadcasts?
I must admit, even I was surprised at the audacity of CNN for showing this footage. Throughout the idiocies of CNN's founder Ted Turner and fallen alumni Eason Jordan and Peter Arnett, CNN has become the shadow of the proper news agency it (almost) once was - and this is the feather in the cap for the CNN Terrorist Network.
I watched the uncut version of the video from a blog called "Juba Online" (look it up yourself!). It turned my stomach.
In an interview with CNN's current Moonbat, Wolf Blitzer, Rep. Duncan Hunter lets him know how ridiculous it is for an American news organization to show footage, supplied to them by the enemy, of U.S. Soldiers and Marines being picked off by this sniper (or group of snipers) known as "Juba." (See Video here from Hot Air). He has demanded that CNN be barred from embedding reporters...and I tend to agree with him.
CNN aired this exclusive terrorist sniper video just two weeks from the upcoming election. Imagine that? Can there be any doubt about their political agenda? And what about our boys and girls being killed by these snipers. What about Lt. Joshua Booth - husband, father and and American Marine - killed by a sniper (Read about this on the Gateway Pundit). Would CNN like to televise his funeral and share that with their Jihadist buddies?
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Interrogations and Tribunals for Terrorists - Signed!

In a world where classified efforts of the U.S. and her allies are continuosly thwarted and undermined by "anonymous sources" (a.k.a. Traitors), Liberal News outlets (a.k.a. Traitors) and self-serving Moonbat politicians and their angry pundits (a.k.a. Accessories to Treachery), it is nice to hear some good news for a change. That is, it has now been signed into law that the U.S. can detain, interrogate and prosecute terrorists.
In a saner reality with lucid post 9-11 goggles firmly affixed, this would be readily acceptable to virtually anyone who is against terrorism. Trouble is, reality has taken a holidy in modern times. Logic is askew when a farsical Agent-outing-story (Valerie Plame) can create ten times the national outrage than the truly damaging intelligence leaks sponsored by Liberal propaganda vehicles like the New York Times and USA Today.
But today, those of us with the aforementioned mental clarity can celebrate the achievement of this new law. According to an article in the Washington Times: "The law protects detainees from blatant abuses -- such as rape, torture and "cruel and inhuman" treatment -- during questioning but does not require that any of them be granted legal counsel. Also, it specifically bars detainees from filing habeas corpus petitions to challenge their detentions in federal courts."
President Bush: "It is a rare occasion when a president can sign a bill he knows will save American is a defining symbol of U.S. commitment to defeating terrorists...The bill I sign today helps secure this country, and it sends a clear message: This nation is patient and decent and fair, and we will never back down from threats to our freedom. We are as determined today as we were on the morning of September 12, 2001."
The bill passed in the House by 250-170; the Senate by 65-34. In both bodies, most Republicans voted in favor and most Democrats voted against. Not a surprise there, but a good example of what is at stake in the upcoming elections. Should the Democrats win either majority, increased taxes will not be the only travesty we will face in this country. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11 attacks, would no doubt throw a cell-block party with that news.
Unheralded (or ignored) by the Loopy Left is this bill's prohibition against torture and the usage of information gleaned improperly. What could be more logical and balanced than that?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
9-11 Conspiracies Part II: The Pentagon "Missile" Attack!

Last month, after the five-year anniversary of 9-11 had passed, the loopy Conspiracy Theorists had once again crawled out of their holes - energized anew from angrily observing the heartfelt laments, memorials and fellowships of real people in America. I decided to write a series of articles addressing the contrived issues of these closet-wackjobs in order to illuminate to my readers just how crazy and hellbent on this administration's downfall some of the fringe left have become.
What Are These Kooks Saying?
Did the Bush Administration plan and execute the greatest, most diabolically murderous and spectacular flim-flam in American history on September 11th, 2001 (in order to justify war)? - Were all three collapsed towers of the WTC secretly demolished?
- Was that a missile that flew into the Pentagon?
- Was the crash of Flight 93 in a Pennsylvania field staged and the passengers spirited away to a gas chamber?
- If he didn't expect it, why did President Bush just sit there in that classroom and continue to read to the kids - instead of leaping to his feet and taking charge when "informed" that an aircraft had crashed into the North Tower?
These and other compelling questions have kept Charlie Sheen and other such towering intellects of our time awake at night. Sage books (like the French bestseller Pentagate) and venerable MENSA-like organizations and websites (such as 9-11 Truth, WTC7 and Prison Planet) have emerged to show us the light on this fantastical coup that was wrought by the Evil Genious George W. Bush...and you thought was a magnet for nutcases!
The first offering in this series was entitled 9-11 Conspiracies Part I: The Alleged Secret Demolition of the WTC Towers. Now it is time to move onto another burning question that you are no doubt losing sleep over:
9-11 Conspiracies Part II:
The Alleged U.S. Missile Attack on the Pentagon
Many people in the so-called "9/11 Truth Movement" believe that the Pentagon was not actually struck by Flight 77, as the "official story" claims. Instead, they believe that the United States government somehow staged the damage, perhaps through the use of a bomb or strategically fired missile. "Why was there only a small hole, 16 feet in diameter, in the side of the Pentagon where a large passenger plane supposedly crashed? Wouldn't it have been bigger and shouldn't the crash have made more of an aircraft-shaped impression like the ones that hit the WTC towers?"
- 9/11 conspiracy theorists like to reference pictures of the damaged Pentagon in which the hole made by the plane appears to be small, but aren't as fond of the pictures accurately showing the full extent of the damage. The hole was described by the on-scene CNN correspondent Jamie McIntyre as "a huge gaping hole."
- When American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon's exterior wall, Ring E, it created a hole approximately 75 feet wide, according to the ASCE Pentagon Building Performance Report. The exterior facade collapsed about 20 minutes after impact, but ASCE based its measurements of the original hole on the number of first-floor support columns that were destroyed or damaged. Computer simulations confirmed the findings.
- The expectation that a speeding Boeing 757 would leave an immediately recognizable, snow-angel style impression of itself in a solid concrete building (versus the mostly-glass exterior of the WTC buildings, which did leave outlines of the crashed planes) is completely unrealistic.
- According to Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering at Purdue University who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings:
"One wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagon's load-bearing columns"
"What about the fact that the supposed plane just disintegrated? That reporter McIntyre even reported: 'From my close-up inspection, there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon.' So, what gives?"
- In true Michael Moore fashion, this sentence was taken out of context. In his interview, this reporter was trying to point out that the plane had not crashed into the ground before hitting the Pentagon, but crashed directly into it.
- He went on to say the following without so much as a breath:
"The only site is the actual site of the building that's crashed in, and as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you can pick up in your hand. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around, which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon and then caused the side to collapse."
- Earlier in the interview, McIntyre also had stated the following:
"I could see parts of the airplane that crashed into the building, very small pieces of the plane on the heliport outside the building. The biggest piece I saw was about three feet long, it was silver and had been painted green and red, but I could not see any identifying markings on the plane. I also saw a large piece of shattered glass. It appeared to be a cockpit windshield or other window from the plane."
- Not enough? In an article of Popular Mechanics, blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer gave his own observations as the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after Flight 77 crashed:
"I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box.
- Kilsheimer's eyewitness account is backed up by a large collection of photos of the plane wreckage, both inside and outside of the building.
"But what about the supposed passengers and crew? Wouldn't there have been DNA or blood at least?" - On this ridiculous and disproven claim, Kilsheimer was equally clear:
"I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"
Tune back in for 9-11 Conspirancies Part III:
The "Shootdown" of Flight 93
Thanks again to the Skeptic Society and Popular Mechanics.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Clinton's North Korea - Timeline of a Nuke
I found it very interesting to hear
Hillary Clinton recently rail against
President Bush and his "failed foreign policy" which she claims has resulted in
North Korea's continued defiance of the
U.N. and its recent testing of a nuclear detonation.
For one thing, she joins fellow
Moonbats like
John Kerry and
Nancy Pelosi in the argument that we should have taken a "Unilateral" approach...when that is EXACTLY what
Hills and her ilk have criticized about other
Bush foreign policies (i.e.
Add that to the inescapable fact that it was her own husband, the over-praised and inexplicably forgiven
Bill Clinton who, more than anyone else, made this day possible for
North Korea - a broken dictatorial nation whose major exports are known to be counterfeit
U.S. Dollars and Missiles. Courtesy of
Newsmax and the
New Zealand Herald, here is the Chronology:
Timeline of a Nuke
A review of recent history shows that that the Clinton administration gave up a clear and perhaps last best chance to nip the North Korean bomb in the bud:
1985: North Korea signs the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
1989: The CIA discovers the North Koreans are building a reprocessing facility — a reactor capable of converting fuel rods into weapons-grade plutonium. The fuel rods were extracted 10 years before from that nation's Yongbyon reactor. The rods represent a shortcut to enriched plutonium and an atomic bomb.
Spring, 1994: A year into President Clinton's first term, North Korea prepares to remove the Yongbyon fuel rods from their storage site. North Korea expels international weapons inspectors and withdraws from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Clinton asks the United Nations Security Council to consider sanctions. North Korean spokesmen proclaim such sanctions would cause war.
The Pentagon draws up plans to send 50,000 troops to South Korea — along with 400 war planes, 50 ships, Apache helicopters, Bradley fighting vehicles, and Patriot missiles. An advance force of 250 soldiers is sent in to set up headquarters for the expanded force.
Clinton balks and sets up a diplomatic back-channel to end the crisis — former president Jimmy Carter. Exceeding instructions, Carter negotiates the outlines of a treaty and announces the terms live on CNN.
Oct. 21, 1994: The United States and North Korea sign a formal accord based on those outlines, called the Agreed Framework. Under its terms, North Korea promises to renew its commitment to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, lock up the fuel rods, and let inspectors back in to monitor the facility.
Clinton agrees — with financial backing from South Korea and Japan — that it will provide two light-water nuclear reactors for electricity, send a large supply of fuel oil, and that it will not invade North Korea. Upon delivery of the first light-water reactor, inspections of suspected North Korean nuclear sites were supposed to start. After the second reactor arrived, North Korea was supposed to ship its fuel rods out of the country.
The two countries also agreed to lower trade barriers and install ambassadors in each other's capitals — with the United States providing full assurances that it would never use nuclear weapons against North Korea.
(None of the above came to pass. Congress did not make the financial commitment — neither did South Korea. The light-water reactors were never funded. The enumerated steps toward normalization were never taken.)
Jan. 2002: In President Bush's State of the Union Address, he famously labels North Korea, Iran, and Iraq as the "axis of evil."
Oct. 2002: Officials from the U.S. State Department fly to Pyongyang, where that government admits it had acquired centrifuges for processing highly enriched uranium (which could be used for building nuclear weapons). It is now clear to all parties that the promised reactors are never going to be built. Normalization of relations fizzles. The CIA learns that North Korea may have been acquiring centrifuges for enriching uranium since the late 1990s — probably from Pakistan.
Oct. 20, 2002: Bush announces that the United States is formally withdrawing from the Carter-brokered 1994 agreement. The United States halts oil supplies to North Korea and urges other countries to cut off all economic relations with Pyongyang.
Dec. 2002: North Korea expels the international weapons inspectors, restarts the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, and unlocks the container holding the fuel rods.
Jan. 10, 2003: North Korea withdraws from the Non-Proliferation Treaty — noting, however, that there would be a change of position if the U.S. resumed its obligations under the Agreed Framework and signed a non-aggression pledge.
Mar. 2003: President Bush orders several B-1 and B-52 bombers to the U.S. Air Force base in Guam — within range of North Korea.
Apr. 2003: North Korea's deputy foreign minister announces that his country now has "deterrent" nuclear weapons.
May, 2003: Bush orders the Guam-based aircraft back to their home bases.
Oct. 2003: The North Koreans announce they have reprocessed all 8,000 of their fuel rods and solved the technical problems of converting the plutonium into nuclear bombs.
2004 - 2005: Kim Jong-il plays a diplomatic cat 'n mouse in numerous rounds of six-party talks while his nuclear development continues.
Jul. 5 2006: North Korea launches seven missiles from its east coast, including the long-range Taepodong-2.
Oct. 9 2006: North Korea conducts its first underground Nuclear test. The entire world is outraged, and sanctions are called for.
Can you see a common thread here? Back when strong intervention would have been much simpler, with no potential of
N. Korea using nuclear armaments, the moment has passed and naive promises made and broken.
Let's see....a weak president, using an even weaker (and even worse) former president, tried to talk his way out of dealing with a growing threat. Almost as if he was preoccupied with something else...seems rather like deja vu, don't you think? Kinda reminds one of
Clinton having allowed a certain
Osama bin Laden to escape - only to mastermind the murders of over 3000
Americans and several hundred others in the ensuing years.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
David Frum and his Diary (Blog)
While driving home from work on Friday last, I was listening to C-Span radio. Their guest was David Frum, a Canadian-American former "Dubya" Bush Speechwriter, Author and Editorial writer. He is most known for having coined the phrase "Axis of Evil" (although he modestly shares credit with other speechwriters).
Listening to this thoughtful and educated man (BA, MA Yale, Law Harvard), I was increasingly impressed with his ability to articulate his position on a number of issues - and his candid responses vis-a-vis George Bush, his strengths and his failings. I was also quite amazed to hear someone portray the same views that I hold (albeit better said) concerning the President, Iraq and many other issues. For example, despite his admiration for the President, he has no problem pointing out that George Bush has some deep flaws - especially when it comes to immigration and border security.
I would encourage Conservatives (and others) to take a look at this man's work. He has written five books; An End to Evil (NYT Bestseller), The Right Man (NYT Bestseller), How We Got Here, What's Right and Dead Right, his own blog (David Frum's Diary) and a central website ( with links to those and more.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
USA TODAY Reports But Downplays Tax Cuts
You know, I happen to like the USA TODAY - despite its obvious leftward lurches and borderline treason with publishing sensitive national security information. They have a great Sports section, the Life section is very informative and entertaining, the Money segment is often useful and enlightening, and even the Travel features are great too. But when this newspaper reports a good news story for the Bush administration, it has to carefully couch it in some kind of criticism.
Case in point: A recent article's headline reads "Income Tax Cuts Benefit All Players," but then its sub-headline (in the actual paper) reads "Bush changes still put burden on middle earners."
This article then goes on to sprinkle barbs and criticisms on top of all the good news. While it points out that "those earning 75-500K are shouldering a larger share of total taxes paid as millions more of them earn higher incomes and get hit with the "Alternative Minimum Tax," it calls them "middle earners" in order to resonate more with the reader.
Wait a minute! Is the median income in America really somewhere between 75 and 500 G's? I think not! Turns out, the average American income is around 46K...well short of the 75K minimum described as "middle class."
WAY DOWN on this article, some facts begin to emerge: - Millions of lower-income Americans (25K or less), have been taken off of the federal tax roles.
- Income for the highest-earning Americans dropped sharply from the 2000-2002, following the end of the bull stock market of the late 1990s, then grew rapidly from 2002 to 2004 as the economy recovered.
Apparently, President Bush's Tax Cuts are working for everyone. Along with the new record of 11,850.61 achieved by the DOW and dramatically falling gas prices, the U.S. economy is still a "bull market," regardless of how the liberal media and the minority party would like to paint it.