Coming back soon...NO BUTTS!
Almost done with the site reconstruction. Matt from Liberty Just In Case has completely redone my template and incorporated my designs, and now it's my turn to make lots of minor adjustments. What do you think of the new look?
Anyhow, I will be back up and running very soon - seems the world is going to hell in a handbasket and the middle east is the focal point (as rendered in the graphic! ;-) Hey, I can't miss out on ALL the turmoil!
So check back over the next few weeks...when I get this site where I want it to be, I will be up and steaming ahead with my unique and insightful(?) bombastic bloviations from right of center.
FYI, I am also taking over "Dumbass Of The Week" from Chazz, so will be adding links to that each week. Lots and LOTS of dumbasses out there right now to choose from!
Sincerely, Timmer