Condi Nom, or Opportune WHINE Tasting?
So, here we are - on the brink of a very hard-won NATIONAL ELECTION in Iraq, our President facing down a massive challenge (and resistance) in finally tackling Social Security and then, if all goes well, taking on the tax mess. All of this nonsense from the post-election democrats about "reaching across the aisle" what? Slap the administration in the face?
Take this ridiculous temper tantrum from the Senate over Dr Rice's nomination as Secretary of State.
After all we have been through and accomplished as a nation, they can only use every chance they get to whine about the friggin' war. What does it mean, for instance, to be "absolutely qualified" but then receive a "nay" vote, as in that from the likes of John Heinz Kerry? Or to have a bitter old woman, like Senator Boxer (D-CA), attack the integrity of her betters (like Dr. Rice), only to turn around the next day and remind democrats of how she stood up to the administration's policy in Iraq and, by the way, could they contribute money to the DNC?
13 votes against Condi, for no other reason than to demonstrate frustration.
Interestingly enough, guess who voted Yay for the good Doctor? None other than the next democratic Presidential candidate, Hills Rodham Clinton. Yikes....
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